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Recti Diastasis

Diastasis recti

Diastasis recti is a separation between the right and left rectus muscles. This is commonly seen after pregnancy, weight gain and some people may be genetically predisposed. Diastasis recti is not a true hernia as there is not a hole. It is simply a weakness and attenuation of the abdominal wall. Closure is not necessary, and the risks associated with hernias do not exist with diastasis.

Some patients can have weakness of their abdominal core and back as a result of diastasis however, and this can sometimes be a reason to have it repaired. Surgical closure or plication of diastasis recti is recommended if there is also a hernia present. 

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is the classic surgical technique for diastasis recti repair. Dr. Pakula offers robotic assisted laparoscopic diastasis closure in the appropriate patients. Inquire to see if you are a candidate.


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