Home / Bariatric Surgery

Weight Loss / Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Pakula is a member of the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and performs all of the weight loss options using advanced robotic technology and minimally invasive techniques. According to the National Institutes of Health, weight loss or bariatric surgery is indicated for someone with a minimum body mass index (BMI) of 40, or a BMI of 35 who also has additional medical issues caused by obesity that require treatment. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and more.

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve

In gastric sleeve, approximately 80% of your stomach is removed leaving a long tubular or “sleeve” shaped stomach. This results in restriction of the amount of food one can eat as well as hormone changes which are very effective in achieving weight loss.

Bariatric surgery


Revision surgery is more complicated and involves converting someone who has had a previous weight loss operation already into another form of weight loss surgery in order to help with additional weight loss or correct complications that may have occurred.

Gastric Bypass

Roux -en-Y Gastric Bypass

In gastric bypass surgery, the upper portion of your stomach is separated from the main part of your stomach in order to create a small sized pouch. The intestines are then surgically divided and one part is connected to the bottom of the pouch so that food can pass normally. The remaining main stomach is bypassed with a portion of the small intestine but is reconnected below to allow digestive enzymes to mix with the food. The gastric bypass leads to excellent and rapid weight loss by reducing the amount of food one can eat as well as producing metabolic changes which are effective for weight loss.


Da Vinci 5, the most advanced form of robotic surgery

Check out this article from ABC 7 News where Dr. Pakula is featured using the latest Da Vinci 5 Robotic Surgical System in the Southern California area- Click Here